Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Occupational Medicine and Techniques of Risk Communication - mod. METHODS AND TOOLS OF RISK COMMUNICATION

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 20
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT09-11-11 MT470


Knowledge of concepts and basic contents  about the risk factor and of legal institutions related to information, education, training, consultation, referred to prevention norms.

Development of the course

The 20 hours course will cover the following topics:

- brief introduction to  semiotics strategies and communication theories.

-  main part about the general principles and efficacy  factors of the interpersonal communication and writing, as well as  methods and tools of  risk communication.

- observation about risks and legal institutions foreseen by the legislator to been communicated ( information, education, training, participation and consultation)

- in-depth analysis about programming techniques and communication activity inspection.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of the theoretical principles of communication, acquisition of basic skills about  the use of the main tools and methods of risk communication, promotion of a combinated  approach between risk and communication,  aimed at knowing how a business or an environmental risk can be communicated in a simple, clear and effective way, and how to understand  the expectation and needs of the territory.


Theoretical foundations of communication and general principles of semiotics; interpersonal communication: axioms, styles and factors of effective communication, listening;  principles of effective written communication; tools and methodologies (technique) about  risk communication, with specific  attention to meeting , negotiation and leadership; risk factors, risk assessment document, concepts of risk perception, communication subjects, plans and programs of communication and inspection activities.

Development of the examination

 Oral examination.

Recommended reading

a)TITLE: Manuale di relazioni pubbliche,  vol. 1

b)AUTHOR: Emanuele Invernizzi

c)PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill

d)reference standards

e) Course Notes

  • Tecniche della Prevenzione nell'Ambiente e nei Luoghi di Lavoro

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