Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Nursing Applied to Internal, Geriatric and Surgical Medicine - mod. NURSING APPLIED TO GENERAL AND SPECIALISTIC SURGERY (AN)

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 3
Hours 36
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT02-11-11 MT160


Basic notions of the clinical-relief trial and activity 1° laboratory.

Development of the course

The course proposes to furnish basic knowledges  of the nursing applied to the general and

specialistic surgery and to develop declinable specific competences and pertinent to the process of

nursing in surgical circle.

Learning outcomes

The student will have to possess the knowledges related to the taking in load of the persona/famiglia

within the priority problems of health of the surgical area. It identifies, it plans and it appraises the

relief interventions in autonomy and in collaboration with the other professional figures in the

diagnostic-therapeutic runs.


 Organizational and relief " models in surgery (Ordinary Hospitalization - Day Surgery - out-patient


 Structural, technological and organizational " characteristics of the operating block

 Control Operating Group: norms of behavior for the personnel; turned measures to the patient;

instrument and materials

 Sterilization and disinfection of the sanitary material

 Role and function surgical équipe

 Activity of the operators, functions of the nurse and the OSS in the Operating Block

 Principal surgical instruments, laparoscopic and endoscopic

 Management of the risk and safety in the Operating Room

 Assistance nursing perioperative: relief planning (Of Nanda I - Interventions Nic – Results NOC):

1. Phase operating pre

- Physical check and psychosocial

- Informed consent

- Education operating pre (respiratory gymnastics, management garrisons)

- Interventions operating pre: preparation skin, intestinal cleaning, predisposition diet, prophylaxis

anti embolism and control documentation

Dispatch and patient transport in operating room: operational tools for the safety

(DD.II.: correlated Anxiety to the surgical experience; insufficient knowledge of the routine

preoperative, of the activity/exercises operating post)

2. Phase operating intra

- The person's reception in operating room

- Assistance during the general, regional and local anesthesia

- Antibiotic prophylaxis

- Assistance during the surgical action

- Assistance in phase of awakening

- Maintenance of the safety: to guarantee surgical asepsis and prevention infections surgical site

DD.II: correlated Anxiety to express worry, secondary to surgery or environment of the S.O.; Risk

of positioning lesion perioepratorio; Risk of lesion correlated to anesthesia and surgery

3. Phase operating post

- Unity of Care Post Anesthesia/ Room Wakes up again

- Assistance in the Room Awakening

- Reception of the operated in the UO of Surgery

- Monitoring of the risks and the complications p.o.

- Management of the different typologies of drains

- Preparation sterile field

- Management of the surgical wounds (finality and techniques of medication)

DD.II. (Risk impairment correlated mobility to pain center surgical incision e/o removal

physician-surgical devices; I risk surgical wounded infection; risk of inefficacies liberation aerial

streets correlated to redoubt thoracic excursion; risk of constipation; deficit takes care of of itself)

Problems collaborated you: Hemorrhage - Ipovolemia/shock; Eviscerazione/deiscenza; Infections;

Urinary retention and paralytic ileo

 The management of the pain: check (staircases of evaluation); management pharmacological

therapy and psychological support

 The assistance pre and postoperative to the patient geriatric

 Care planning in the phase pre and operating post (Of Nanda I – NIC: Interventions – NOC:

resulted and Problems collaborated you) for the person submitted to:

 Gastro-intestinal surgery

- Gastrectomia and interventions to the bowel or with packaging enterostomy, nutrition artificial

enteral through SNG and gatrostomy;

- Interventions on the liver, bilious streets, pancreas and spleen.

- Hemorrhage digestive and acute abdomen

 Thoracic surgery

- Intervention of resection pulmonary and relative management thoracic drain

- Pneumothorax

 Urological surgery

- Intervention of cystectomy and urinary ostomy, nephrectomy, prostatectomy

 Surgery Thyroid and breast

- Mastectomy

- Thyroidectomy

 Orthopedic surgery

- Intervention of amputation of limb

- Intervention of prosthesis of hip and knee

- Assistance to the person with tractions, bendages and chalked instruments

 Gynecological surgery

- Intervention of hysterectomy

 Signs of cardiovascular surgery and neurosurgery


Development of the examination

Oral examination.

Recommended reading

1. S.C. Smeltzer, B. Bare, J. Hinkle, K. Cheever - Brunner & Suddarth - phys

ician-surgical Nursing.

Vol 1-2, CEA 2010

2. Wicker P. O'Neill J. Perioperative nursing care. Mc Graw-Hill - 2007

3. Cambieri et Á. the. The operating department. Planning, organization, control. The Scientific

Thought. 2010

4. Peruzzi A. The nurse instrumentalist. Elsevier. 2006

5. P.Lynn - Manual of techniques and procedures nursing of Taylor. And. Piccin, 2010

  • Infermieristica Ancona

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