Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Clinical nursing : nursing applied to the emergency area - mod. NURSING OF THE CRITIC AREA (MC)

Sede Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Crediti 3
Ore 36
Periodo 1^ semestre
Lingua ITA
Codice U-gov MT02-11-11 MT174

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

learning of notions and  Knowledges  of urgent  and emergent situation extra and hospital valutation  of  critical patients and nursing priorities


Notions of emergency, urgency, and critical patient


 The network of  emergency : the role of nurse


 Management of drugs: the role of nurse


 Valutation of critical signs (CGS, Trauma score)


Invase  and non-invasive aemodinamic monitorino (CVS - arterial)


Care of the patient with heart diseases (AMI- APE- - Bradiarithmias)


Care of the patient with heart failure (BLS, ALS)


 Care of the patient in mechanic ventilation


Care of the patient in  shock


Care of the patient in  Coma


 Care of the patient politraumatized ( injury: spinal cord, skull, chest and pelvis)


Management of first aid: burns, mildit traumatisms, accidental poisonnias, electrocution.


 Management of urgency and emergency cases: lateral positions, respiratory function support


 Aspects of communication with the critical patient and his relativesi


 Death and perishing


 Organs and tissues donation

Modalità di svolgimento dell'esame

for retrieval sessions must be performed a written test and in case of success and oral test

Testi consigliati

TEXTBOOKS ( references):

 “ Il paziente critico” Gentili – Nastasi – Rigon – Silvestri – Tanganelli     Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

 “Urgenze ed emergenze” M. Chiaranda, Piccin,


“Soccorso di base” B. Ciaramella, Piccin


“ Procedure infermieristiche in terapia intensiva”  L. Ulrich, A. Lames     Masson “ Terapia Intensiva: principi fondamentali”  Paul L. Marino                      Masson “ Guida pratica in area critica”  N.H. Diepenbrock                                     Mc Graw Hill

“  Il monitoraggio in area critica” Anna Howen                                          Mc Graw Hill

“ Pronto Soccorso ed interventi d’emergenza” Grant – Murray                  Mc Graw Hill

“ Emergenze extraospedaliere “ Serantoni – Guidetti – Desiderio – Facciol    UTET

“ Pronto Soccorso” M. Ulrich – M. Chagnon – La marche                          Masson

“ Pronto Soccorso per infermieri professionali “ Menon – Rupolo              Ambrosiana

“ Triage infermieristico in pronto soccorso” Gruppo formazione triage      Mc Graw Hill “ Manuale di Advanced Medical Life Support” Dalton – Limmer ….        Brady Pantice Hall (new Jersey)

“Manuale PTC- BLS” I.R.C.


Corsi di laurea
  • Infermieristica Macerata

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
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