Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Biomediche1 Sciences - mod. Histology

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 20
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT01-11-11 MT066

Basic knowledge of chemistry and physics.

Development of the course

Learning outcomes

Critical and essential knowledge of the morphological characteristics of subcellular structures and of normal human cells and tissues. Correlation between cell and tissue structures with their specific function as cultural background to understand the physiology and pathophysiology of human organs and systems. Particular attention will be paid to musculoskeletal tissues.


• Fundamentals of histological methods for the study of subcellular, cell, and tissue components of organs and systems.

• The eukaryotic cell: organization and function. Cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis. Elements of Embryology.

• Tissues:

- Epithelial tissue: characteristics, classification. Covering and lining epithelia. Exocrine and endocrine glandular epithelia: systematic, distribution, secretion.

- Connective tissues: generality, systematic, classification. Connective tissue proper.

- Cartilage: general, systematic, features.

-  Bone: characteristics. Ossification.

- Blood, hematopoiesis, lymphatic tissue.

- Muscle tissue: generality, systematic. Muscle contraction.

- Nervous tissue, Transmission and conduction and of nerve impulses. Synapses. Neuroglia


Development of the examination

Recommended reading

“Citologia e Istologia Funzionale” Autore: A. Calligaro e coll.Casa Editrice: Edi-Ermes

“Anatomia Umana e Istologia” Autore : P. Carinci e coll.. Casa Editrice Elsevier

“Elementi di Istologia”Autore: D.W. Fawcett, R.P. Jensh Casa Editrice: CIC Edizioni Internazionali 

“Istologia”Autore: P. Rosati, R. Colombo, N. Maraldi Casa Editrice: Edi-Ermes

“Istologia”Autore: M.H. Ross, W. Pawlina  Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

  • Fisioterapia

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427