Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 3
Hours 30
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT08-11-11 MT409

Learning outcomes

-          To Know the developmental stages of the areas of a person in developmental age

-          Know the types of attachment relationship that allow the development of personality

-          Analyze the dysfunctional emotional aspects that characterize attachment behaviors that diverge from the secure base in order to take meaningful relationships for an emotional correction

-          Understand the issues related to physical and mental disabilities in order to implement useful interventions to remove barriers and support a positive and rewarding growth path



Physical and motor development. Prenatal period, birth and growth. Baby skills. Motor development and nervous system growth. Perceptive development in newborn, infancy and childhood.  The development of language and communication. Cognitive development and intellective level assessment. The social and moral development. Emotional and relational development, with particular reference to Attachment Theory.  The development of the “Self” as a result of the Attachment Relationship: stages and characteristics. The four parts of the self: self-emerging, nuclear self, subjective self, verbal self. Adolescence: psycho-physiological changes and modification of relationships with parents, adults and peers. New insights into the cognitive, emotional, moral and relational development. Adolescence as a identity crisis and the second process of characterization;  the adolescent developmental tasks. Role of the peer group. The family in front of the handicap. Diagnosis and life cycle. The disabled in the relationship game. The purpose of the rehabilitation center.



Development of the examination

Oral examination

Recommended reading


a)      TITLE: Psicologia dello sviluppo

b)     AUTHOR: Camaioni L., Di Blasio P.

c)      PUBLISHE: Il Mulino, Bologna (2007)


a)     HANDOUT  TITLE: Stadi del Sé – Attaccamento e costruzione della teoria della mente – Pattern d’attaccamento

b)     AUTHOR: Dr Moretti G.M.



a)      TITLE: Figli Disabili: La Famiglia di fronte all’Handicap”

b)     AUTHOR: Sorrentino A.M

c)      PUBLISHER: Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano (2006)


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