Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Health management and teaching methods - mod. TEACHING METHODS AND APPLIED tutorial

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 20
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MM03-11-11 MM31


Pedagogical basic knowledge

Development of the course

The course aims to develop basic and advanced tutoring skills applied to nursing and midwifery education, particularly with regard to mentoring in clinical settings. Develop methods and tools of tutorship applied to organizational contexts to facilitate the placement of new employees.

Learning outcomes

·         Develop teaching skills within tutorial activities and coordination of vocational training in the basic, additional and permanent education.

·         Apply teaching and tutoring methods within specific contexts.

·         Deepen models based on clinical experience to improve students and new employees clinical learning.

·         Deepen  the application of models and tools for learning assessment, teaching effectiveness and the impact of education on healthcare services.


Tutorship, Setting and learning environments

·         definition of “tutorship” and “intentionality”

·         facilitators of experiential learning: coach, mentor, counselor, mentor

·         Framework, processes and supportive role of the tutorship.

·         characteristics of tutoring setting and its relation with learning and organizational environments

Tutorship and clinical learning

·         Clinical placement and clinical learning process

·         A conceptual model of clinical placement

·         Models of clinical mentoring

Tutorship’s methods

·         Briefing / Debriefing

·         Contract learning

·         Laboratory for the development of practical skills

·         PBL

·         Case method

·         OSCE

Tutorship and  evaluation competence

Development of the examination
Written test

Recommended reading

Zannini L. (2005), La tutorship nella formazione degli adulti. Uno sguardo pedagogico, Milano, Guerini

Sasso L. , Lotti A., Gamberoni L. (2003)  Il tutor per le professioni sanitarie. Roma Carocci Faber

White R, Ewan C.E. Il tirocinio: l’insegnamento clinico del nursing. Sorbona, Milano, 

Saiani L., Palese A., “Guida per pianificare lo sviluppo professionale e documentare le competenze” in Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca, 2002, 2(21)


  • Scienze Infermieristiche e Ostetriche

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