Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 20
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MM03-11-11 MM19


Basic knowledge of internal medicine, prevention and epidemiology, organization of services according to the regulations on the reorganization of health and social services; knowledge of some theoretical models of care referred to the Nursing and Midwifery profession applicable in different organizational contexts.

Development of the course

The course aims to deepen the knowledge of some basic methods and theories that are the foundation of nursing community, borrowed and integrated with social and health professionals involved in the promotion of health in the area. Investigate some skills on the organization of health and social services in relation to the main sources of discomfort to chronic and the most important socio-environmental factors involved in their pathogenesis.

Teaching Methodology:
- Lectures
- Projection of slides in Power-point;
- Role Playing;

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Detect  and  critically evaluate the evolving needs of assistance on the basis of the specific content of nursing in the context of preventive and community for which are outlined areas and professional perimeters, in light of the Code of Ethics and Professional Profile nurse.
- Promote and apply new decision-making processes on the basis of the model of health promotion or the Theory of individual and family self-management, integrating the new organizational models present in the social and health districts using as a guideline the concepts of integration and education of the patient, assistance to the family or the community.
- Differentiate and integrate its function with respect to the commitment of all professionals involved actors in the network services on the theme of education in the social and health care, making more apparent the specific contribution of the nurse also through the presentation of lab projects referred to the therapeutic function and the promotion of health in the territory.


Presentation of the course and its objectives;
Ø Presentation of the program;
Ø Contract classroom and presentation of the examination arrangements ..
Ø Identification of study groups among students for the evaluation of plans drawn up and ongoing evaluation on the learning of theoretical concepts provided.


Conceptual bases and organizational aspects of community:
Ø Historical approach of nursing and law of the Community  the national and international
Ø Primary care and district services
Ø The district
Ø The context of health care (nurses, community, city, country)
Ø Definition of family and community.
Ø Health 21
Ø Promotion of health and prevention
Ø Skills, areas of intervention, activities and responsibilities of the Professional Nurse in the promotion of health and prevention and treatment of people with a chronic disease.
Ø Nursing home care and home care
Ø care-associated infections
Ø Palliative care and hospice
Ø Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health and Addictions
Ø The prison health
Continuity of care and discharge planned (protected)
Ø Role of the Nurse in the integration of care between health and social services in the district and the work network
Ø Theoretical models suitable assistance to family and community
Ø General Theory of deficits in self-care
Ø Theory of Self-Management individual and family
Ø The caregiver.

Nursing Assistance
Ø From the nursing diagnosis to the design of educational health according to different pathologies.
Ø The report and therapeutic education.
Ø The family nurse and assistance.
Ø Taking care

Development of the examination

 Initial cognitive tests;
- Before the end of the module, a written test in progress
- Evaluations of the subsequent appeals provide a written and / or oral   

Recommended reading


Title: Programming Manual and Health Organization,
Author: Damiani G & G Ricciardi (2004)
Publisher: Idelson-Gnocchi


Title: The organizational design,
Author: Cicchetti A (2004)
Publisher: Franco Angeli, Milano.


Title: The organization in health care organizations
Author: Bermaschi M (2000)
Publisher: Mc-Graw Hill, Milan


Title: The Nurse and the community "theories and organizational models for the work on the ground"
Author: Tartaglini D (2006)
Publisher: Faber Carocci, Rome


Title: Nursing preventive and community
Author: Scalorbi S (2012)
- Publisher: Mc-Graw Hill, Milan.

  • Scienze Infermieristiche e Ostetriche

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