Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Nursing applied to general internal medicine and geriatric and surgical - mod. NURSING APPLIED TO GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE (AP)

Sede Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Crediti 2
Ore 24
Periodo 1^ semestre
Lingua ITA
Codice U-gov MT02-11-11 MT159

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

The Course proposes to provide the student  the necessary elements to supply  the users with an adequate and complete nursing assistance together with welfare indication to complete the knowledge of general medicine previously  learnt by the student. At he end of the didactic unit the student will be able to elaborate assistance projects with global disciplinary approach including the clinical tecnical, educational, relational aspects, and apply them  identifying the main nursing problems through the formulation of nursing diagnosises and collaboration problems ( NANDA CLASSIFICATION );planning the intervention of assistance ( NIC and NOC classifications );putting forward the necessary survey indicators.

Knowing the guide lines for the application/ administration of diagnostic-Therapeutical procedures concerning the problems correlated with the welfare project.

Recognizing signs and symptoms which characterize some of the main pathologies of organs and systems and acquiring the capacity to carry out targeted checks.

Knowing ,correlating to physiopathology and describing the principle of assistance and of treatment of the faced pathologies and problems.

Describing the objectives and the supplemented ,integrated interventions of assistance to propose in the different situations.

Carrying out corse of assistance addressed to people suffering from some prevailing pathologies in the field of priority wealth problems.


Instrumental Diagnostics: material person’s training, management of the action in autonomy or in collabration. Assistance to the patient screened by ultrasound scan,endoscopy ( bronchoscopy ).Assistance to the patient subjected to radiological screening with or without contrast medium. Assistance to the patient subjected to biopsy and to exploratory injections.

Nursing applied to the pathologies of the respiratory systems: diagnostic check to identify respiratory pathologies: nursing responsabilities;assistance to a patient affected by bronchial asthma,assistance to the patient with clot on the lungs; thoracentesis ( E.G.A.)

Nursing applied to the  pathologies of the endocrinological system – screening:  nursing responsabilities. Assistance to a patient suffering from diabetes ( 1 and 2 )

Nursing applied to pathologies of the renal system: screening in nephrology ( renal biopsy ). Assistance to a patient with acute and chronic kidney failure.Assistance to a person who is on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis : nursing respnsabilties.

Contagious nursing : assistance to a person suffering from tuberculosis.

Geriatric nursing : concept of health and life quality in old people; laws protecting old patients.Services: old patient’s multidimensional check up. Development of old patient’s residual resources.Assistance to the old patient suffering from dementia: describing the administration of medicines to the old patient. Planning the old patient’s dimission and managing continuity of the social security cover.

Nursing applied to the  pathologies of neurological  pathologies : diagnostics in neurology : nursing responsabilities_theorical and practical knowledge for a global assistance to a person suffering from :Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, TIA and ICTUS. Assistance to a person with brain tumour.

Modalità di svolgimento dell'esame
Oral exam

Testi consigliati

a)     TITLE: Medical-Surgerical Nursing

b)     AUTHOR : Brumer Suddarth

c)      PUBLISHER: Ambrosiana 2011

Corsi di laurea
  • Infermieristica Ascoli Piceno

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427