Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Socio-Psychological Sciences - mod. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY (AP)

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 24
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT02-11-11 MT124


As well as teaching those psychological terms essential to understanding the dynamics of body-psiké, the program focuses on giving the student an understanding of the basic concepts  of scientific psychology.

Cognitive psychology, emotional and motivational processes and the principal psycho-social processes which govern the interaction between the individual and his social and work environments  will be studied in greater depth as the course progresses.

Particular attention will be given to the hypostasis regarding the use of speech as therapy,  an age old concept and presently sine qua non in people oriented professions at every level.


Topics covered.

  1. Introduction to psychology. Various  branches of psychology including experimental, clinical, cognitive and psychoanalytic.
  2.  Personality and character. Present guidelines, personality disorders.
  3. Thought: categorization, reasoning, types of thought.
  4. Motivation and behavior.
  5. Learning.
  6. Emotional development.
  7. Cognitive development.
  8. The psychoanalytic approach: Freudian instances (Ego, Id, Seperego)
  9. The word  as a teraphy.
  10.  The language and interpersonal communication.
  11. Frustration: reactions and defense mechanisms.
  12. The emotions : Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence, and others.


On request,  at the end of the course  the Professor is willing to organize, free of charge, a workshop of  between 4 and 6 hours (to be held in 2 or 3 sessions)  to analyze specific arguments regarding particular areas of psychology chosen by those students wishing to attend, eg.  :

Body psychology;                              

Doctor-patient relationships;

Personality disorders;

Any other relevant areas of interest which emerge during the course


Development of the examination

Oral examination.

Recommended reading

 Title: Psicologia generale

  1. By  Anolli L, Legrenzi P.
  2. Il Mulino, Bologna, 1a 2006;  2a 2012; pp. 408.

In the course of the lectures will be given to pupils by the teacher, both copies of chapters on such study, and other educational materials is subject of the lectures, as handouts or slides


Texts for self study:

  • U. Galimberti, Enciclopedia di Psicologia, Garzanti, Milano, 1999.
  • G. Erba, La malattia e i suoi nomi, Ed. Meltemi, 2007.
  • G. Trombini, F. Baldoni, Disturbi psicosomatici, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.


Web resources.
An excellent and comprehensive monitoring of the resources of psychology can be found at the site edited by 

Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Psicologia dell'Università di Bologna.


And University of Catania: www.unict.it/

It also noted the interesting site of a surfer:  http://members.xoom.it/eparpagl/

  • Infermieristica Ascoli Piceno

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