Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Odontostomatologic clinic - mod. ODONTOSTOMATOLOGIC CLINIC IV/V anno

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 7
Hours 70
Period Corso annuale
Language ENG
U-gov code MU02-09-11/LS5002 OD576


For granted knowledge of the concepts covered in the various disciplines during the previous year of the degree course, the teaching will be organized on the deepening of the semeiotic, diagnostic and therapeutic approachs to the patient and the performance of those topics deemed essential for addressing practical clinic.


Embryology of the jaw and mouth. Anatomy and histology of the stomatognathic region. Semeiotics of the oral cavity. Microbiology and immunology of the oral cavity. Teeth  abnormalities (number, location, position, shape, volume, development and structure). The eruption of the teeth: physiology and pathology of the eruption. The anatomical classification of the impacted third molar. Dental caries: epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, therapy. Prophylaxis of caries: fluoride, occlusal sealants, oral hygiene, food hygiene. The pulpopatie: etiology, symptoms and classifications, endodontic therapy. Traumatic lesions of deciduous and permanent teeth: etiology, diagnosis and therapy. The reconstruction of the endodontically treated tooth. Apical periodontitis: generalities and classification, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy. Abscesses and phlegmons of the jaws. Cysts of the jaws (odontogenic, non-odontogenic, pseudocysts). Odontogenic Tumors (benign and malignant). Pathology of the oral mucosa: by malformations or genetics, physical and chemical agents, drugs and exogenous substances, allergic, from alteration of metabolism, due to hormonal, infectious agents (viral, bacterial, fungal), autoimmune (aphthous stomatitis, lichen planus and lichenoid reactions, pemphigus, pemphigoid, erythema multiforme). Tongue pathology. Pathologic classification of tumors of the oral cavity. Precancerous lesions of the oral cavity: leukoplakia, red and white lesions of the oral cavity. Benign tumors of the oral cavity. Malignant tumors of the oral cavity. Salivary glands disorders (inflammatory and neoplastic). Saliva and salivary secretory function abnormalities (xerostomia). Periodontal disease: etiology, epidemiology, prevention, diagnostic techniques, non-surgical and surgical therapy. Oral surgery: surgical techniques and their main indications. The tooth extraction: indications, contraindications, operative techniques and complications. Imaging in Dentistry: Intraoral radiographs (principal techniques and their use), the panoramic radiograph, the cephalometry, CT as an aid in clinical diagnosis. Notions of orthodontics and gnathology. The disorders of the temporomandibular joint. The prosthetic rehabilitation of the stomatognathic system (fixed prostheses on natural teeth, complete dentures, removable partial dentures, implant-prosthetic): clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment plan. Pain in dentistry: neuralgic maxillo-facial syndromes. Anesthetic techniques in dentistry: local and regional anesthesia, pharmacology of local anesthetics, anesthesia complications and contraindications. The use of drugs in Dentistry (drug interactions, effect of drugs on oral tissues).

Development of the examination

in progress written test at the end of the fourth year; final oral examination at the end of the fifth year.

Recommended reading

v     Titolo:  Trattato di odontoiatria clinica

v     Autore: Modica R

v     Casa Editrice: Minerva Medica (2004)

v     Titolo:  Clinica odontoiatrica e stomatologica

v     Autore: Gombos - Serpico

v     Casa Editrice: Piccin (2006)

v     Titolo:  Odontostomatologia

v     Autore: Valletta – Bucci – Matarasso

v     Casa Editrice: Piccin

  • Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria

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