Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Medical Sciences - mod. ENDOCRINOLOGY

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 3
Hours 30
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MU02-09-11 32612


Basic knowledges of endocrine anatomy and physiology

Development of the course

Endocrine diseases of interest in dentistry

Learning outcomes
To provide the relevant features of endocrine disease of interest in dentistry

Diseases of thyroid, parathyroid glands, bone and calcium-phosphorous metabolism, adrenal gland, pituitary and gonads. Diabetes

Development of the examination

Multiple-choice test

Recommended reading

a)     TITLE:  Endocrinologia e Metabolismo.

b)     AUTHOR: F.Trimarchi, D. Cucinotta

c)      PUBLISHER: Edas, 2010

  • Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427