Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Dermatology - mod. DERMATOLOGY

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 3
Hours 30
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MU02-09-11 OD547

Basic knowledge of general pathology

Development of the course

The course of "Dermatology" for students of the Degree Course in Dentistry aims at teaching students the basics of proper classification of skin diseases. The student will be informed through ample iconography and clinical description about the primary skin lesions;   skin diseases, particularly those involving the oral cavity, and  those related to severe systemic skin diseases  to systemic  will be dealt with (etiology, nosological classification, and diagnostic and therapeutic innovations) 

Efforts will be made, thorough a study of the patho-physiological mechanisms, to enhance the knowledge of biological and biochemical basic elements as learned in the previous courses, fostering in students the development of links between the various teachings. The student will also be provided with the basic guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of major diseases.

The principles of dermatological therapy will be taught, in particular hints on recent drug development (immune-suppressants, immune-modulators) and physical (laser).

Learning outcomes

The student will have to recognize the basic cutaneous lesions that form the elements of the course, and to acquire expertise in dermatological diseases that may present with mucosal manifestations (Pemphigus - Lichen - Candidiasis - Aphthosis etc..),  For which the dentist may be the first specialist to make a prompt, early and correct diagnosis.


Fundaments of anatomy and physiology of the skin, appendages and mucosae. Methodology and specialistic semiotics , primary skin lesions (primary,secondary, pathognomonic).  Bacterial diseases (erysipelas, impetigo,folliculitis, tubercolosis, actinomycosis). Fungal diseases (dermatophytosis, candidiasis). Viral diseases (herpes simplex, herpes zoster, varicella, HPV disease, molluscum contagiosum, hand-foot-mouth disease, erpangina). Urticaria and angioedema, autoimmune bullous diseases (pemphigus, pemphigoides). 

Common drug reactions (rashes, fixed drug eruption) severe drug reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome). Aphtosis and differential diagnosis of aphthous ulcers of the oral cavity. 

Lichen planus, precancerous lesions, differential diagnosis between white lesions of the oral cavity. Epithelial neoplasia (Squamous epithelioma), pigmentations of the oral cavity, moles and melanoma. General concepts of dermatological therapy. Venereology. Epidemiology and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis: clinics, serology and therapy. Gonorrhea. Sexually transmitted HPV infections. Genital herpes.

Development of the examination

The examination consists of oral examination inherent in the core curriculum

Recommended reading

a)     TITLE: Manuale di Patologia e Medicina Orale

b)     AUTHOR: G. Ficarra

c)      PUBLISHER: Mc Graw-Hill

  • Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria

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