Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Socio-Psychological Sciences - mod. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY (PU)

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 24
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT02-11-11 MT125

Development of the course

The course aims to foster the learning of sociological categories which can help the comprehension of contemporary society and the relationship which links individuals to their socio-cultural contexts.

Learning outcomes

First part: general sociology


1. Introduction to Sociology

2. Microsociology: the individuals and their daily lives between subjectivity and social structure

3. Mesosociology: the plot of social life

4.  Macrosociology: the social processes and the systems of society



Second part: sociology of health


1. The different concepts of illness: medical paradigms (disease), macrosociological paradigms (sickness), microsociological paradigms (illness).


2. Body, health, well-being and lifestyle: social and cultural representations of health; somatic society and body control; the sociological analysis of lifestyles.


3. In search of health: the care pathways of the patient; from person to patient; the patient between identity and role; the iceberg of health needs; health behavior and representations of the disease; explanatory models of health behavior, the importance of social networks.


4. The professional-patient relationship: the different models of analysis; over medical paternalism: between consumerism and partnerships.


5. Chronic diseases, disabilities and mental health, the concept of disability as social construction.


6. Family and Community settings:  the family and the Self /Home Care; the Community Care: the role of social networks; the primary cares; the sanitary district and the problems of the social-sanitary integration; the Community nursing; the role of nurse in the family support and in the Community networks.


7. The professions in healthcare organizations: Profession and professionalisation, the medical profession from the dominance to the managerialization; the emerging health professions, the nursing profession in the new Italian law code.


There will be a in-depth examination of the basic sociological paradigms related to the concepts of health/illness/care and the relationship between the physician’s and the patient’s perspective. In the second part, the course will focus on the different  methods of managing Social and Health Services.

Development of the examination

Oral discussion.

Recommended reading
  1. TITLE: Sociologia della salute e della medicina (only Chapters: 6,7,8,9,11,12,14,16)
  2. AUTHOR: Giarelli G., Venneri E.
  3. PUBLISHER: Franco Angeli,  2009
  4. Slides and other material provided by the teacher
  5. Further optional references for in-depth content will be indicated during lessons


  • Infermieristica Pesaro

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