Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Nursing and theory of nursing - mod. NURSING

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 24
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT02-11-11 MT134


Development of the course

Didactic unit develop itself at the first semester of the first year , integrated with the others modules calculated in the Course, with the aim  of  help  the student to examine in depth the  nursing role's cultural evolution e specificity . The lessons will occur  ex-cathedra, attendance is compulsory

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

-  Describing nursing and its profession historic and cultural evolution, nursing competences and autonomy/interdependence with other professional  areas .

- Detecting professional and deontological responsibility towards care beneficiaries and the organizations in which the nurses work.

- Describing Nurse’s Deontological ethics and Professional Standard Code and principal laws of specific professional interest.

- Describing nursing responsibility in the hospital admission assistance and during medical inspection


Italian Constitution and health – sickness concept evolution: articles.

National and international health care’s history, from the beginnings to this days, with particolar recall to first degree course. Professional rules (DM 739/94, L.n°42 del 26/2 /99,

L.251/2000, L.n.dd 1 8/01/2002, Status - Region Conference of  2001 - 2003 for OSS profile, L 43/2006 et al.).

Professional associationism: the Boards, the associations.

Nursing’s specific: Nurse’s Professional profile; nurse’s role and functions analysis ; ethics and bioethics. Nurse’s Deontological ethics and Professional Standard Code.

Autonomy and responsibility concepts.

Health Record’s ways: legal, administrative,professional/of the order.

Therapeutic and supportive relationship(communication and interventions to promote that).

 Spiritual well-being influencing factors, pain, sickness, death’s meaning, reactions at the pain, implications for the nursing;

Acceptance of the person at the hospital: ordinary and  urgent admission.

Nursing competence during medical inspection.

Development of the examination

Oral examination

Recommended reading


  1. a)           TITLE: Commentario al codice deontologico dell'infermiere
  2. b)           AUTHOR: a cura di Annalisa Silvestro IPASVI
  3. c)            PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill
  4. d)           TITLE: Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.
  5. e)           AUTHOR: Edoardo Manzoni


  1. f)            PUBLISHER: Masson 
  2. g)           TITLE: da servente a infermiere
  3. h)           AUTHOR: Valerio Dimonte
  4. i)            PUBLISHER: Cespi

  • Infermieristica Ancona

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
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