Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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General Nursing Theories - mod. NURSING THEORIES AND CARE PLANNING (AP)

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 3
Hours 36
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT02-11-11 MT135


The basic stages of evolution of nursing knowledge and philosophy of nursing; discipline
nursing: general criteria to define it.

Theories of needs, nursing care needs and
welfare problems.

Metaparadigma concepts of nursing: human, health / illness care
nursing environment.

Concept of model and theory of care.

Main theories / models nursing:
analysis of some models / theory.

Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.
Nursing process: definition and meaning, the construction of general and specific objectives, methodology and
application, the construction of indicators and their use in primary care, the definition of the problem in
nursing process, planning, design and implementation, testing and evaluation as the final step.
Collaborative problem: an outline.

Second diagnostic taxonomy NANDA, NIC and NOC.

Planning Tools and documentation of care provided (folder and nursing clinical documentation, protocol,
procedures, guidelines, profiles and assistance).
Exercise: individualized care plan to one or more clinical cases predefined purposes
teaching / example.
Individual papers and / or group, in the formulation of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems.

Development of the examination

The knowledge acquired are valued at the end of the course by
an oral, that may be held until they have passed (with at least 22/30 correct answers) a
multiple choice test, with only one correct answer, in a time of 30 minutes

Recommended reading

Majory Gordon Diagnosi infermieristiche orocesso ed applicazione  Casa Editrice: Ambrosiana, Mi,2010

Lynda Jullia Carpenito-Moyet Diagnosi infermieristiche applicazione alla Pratica Clinica   Casa Editrice:
Ambrosiana, Milano 2010

Margaret Lunney & collaboratori II Pensiero critico nell'assistenza infermieristica casi clinici con NANDA-I., NOCENICCEA ,Mi 2010

E. Manzoni Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica Masson,Mi. 2005

 In addition to the reference books listed below, additional references and / or material

will be required to study, suggested in the classroom:


Mi, 2007

M.Johnson et ai», Diagnosi infermieristiche risultati interventi risultati interventi collegamenti NANDA,
NOC, NIC, Cea, Mi, 2005

J.M.Wilkinson, Diagnosi infermieristiche con NOC E NIC, Cea, Mi, 2005

R.Zanotti, Filosofia e teoria nella moderna concettualità del nursing professionale Piccin, Pd, 2010
E.Manzoni, Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica ed. Masson, Mi, 1996

P. Chiari, D.Mosci, E. Naldi, Centro Studi EBN Evidence -Based Clinical Practice la pratica clinico-assistenziale
basata su prove di efficacia, ed.McGraw-Hill, Mi, 2011

B.K.Timby Fondamenti di Assistenza Infermieristica Concetti e abilità cliniche di base McGrawHill, Mi, 2011
Gimbe news, www, a imbene ws. it, in Pillole di Governo Clinico, "Linee guida, percorsi, processi, procedure,
protocolli", voli, n.l, dicembre 2008

Gimbe news, www, a imbene ws. it, in Editoriale, "Troppe Linee guida? Agree II ti aiuta a scegliere", voli,
n.3, maggio-giugno 2010

  • Infermieristica Ascoli Piceno

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