Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Biochemistry and Biology - mod. APPLIED BIOLOGY

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 24
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT04-11-11 MT192

Origin and evolution of life. Viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Nucleic acids and proteins. Molecular basis of the hereditary information. The genetic code. The gene and genome. Nucleus. Synthesis and function of the various types of RNA. Ribosomes, protein synthesis and the post-synthetic fate of proteins. Smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes. Metabolism, mitochondria and cellular respiration. Communication between cells. Cell cycle and mitosis. Apoptosis. Meiosis. Reproduction. Inheritance, phenotype and genotype. Homologous chromosomes, alleles and loci, homozygosity and heterozygosity. Mendel's laws. Mendelism and examples of inheritance monofactorial: ABO system, Rh, sickling. Gene mutations, chromosomal and genomic.

Development of the examination
Oral examination

Recommended reading

v     Titolo: Elementi di Biologia e Genetica

v     Autore: P. Bonaldo, P. Defilippi, F. Majone, S. Minucci, P. Piomboni, G.B. Principato, M.G. Romanelli

v     Casa Editrice: Monduzzi Editore, 2010

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