Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Methodology of clinical research - mod. CLINICAL RESEARCH IN REHABILITATION

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 3
Hours 30
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MT01-11-11 MT069


Basic knowledge of english

Development of the course

Methodology of clinical research takes place in the 1st term of the 1st year of Physiotherapy Course.

It consists of two didactic units, for a total 6 CFU

The Course aims at promoting the achievement of both theoretical knowledge and technical skills. Theoretical knowledge concerns rehabilitation scopes, the classification of functioning disability and health, the measurements applied for the assessment of impairment and disability, the methodology needed to put clinical questions and attain evidences of efficacy of rehabilitation interventions .  It also concerns the principles of descriptive and comparative statistics.

Technical skills regard the ability of searching on databanks, put clinical questions, draw study designs and report experimental findings.

Learning outcomes

To acknowledge the scopes and strategies of quantitative and qualitative research. To be able to put a clinical research question. To use search engines through the input of keywords, mesh terms. To know and search databanks of efficacy evidences in rehabilitation.

To know how to read and judge a scientific article. To know concepts of efficacy, and effectiveness in rehabilitation. To choose and critically analyse outcome measures in rehabilitation.

To judge a scientific article on the basis of its internal and external validity.

To describe and calculate  mean and standard deviations. To plot quantitative findings in graphs. To know and apply randomization techniques. To understand the meaning of point estimate, standard error, confidence limits.


Rehabilitation scopes. International classification of functioning disability and health.. Evidence based Medicine and principle of evidence-based practice in physiotherapy. The measurement of outcome in rehabilitation. Concepts of efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency. Psychometric features of outcome measures (validity, reliability, accuracy). Visuoanalogue scales. Quality of  life scales. Methodology of research of efficacy evidences in rehabilitation. Searching evidences  on databanks. PEDRO website. Delphi criteria for the quality assessment of efficacy studies.. Study designs and evidence levels.

Development of the examination

Written (multiple choice questions or open questions) and oral examination

Recommended reading

a)     Title: Trattato di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione, 4 volumi. B) Author: Valobra GN, Gatto R, Monticone M (eds). C) Editor : Utet 2009

a)     Title: Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione, b) Author Randall Braddom,. C) Editor Antonio Delfino Editore, 1998

a)     Title Le scale di misura nelle malattie muscolo-scheletriche b) Author Donatella Bonaiuti. C) Editor: I&V Publisher by Cil’s Color Muggiò 2000

a)      Title: Scale e punteggi. Quantificazione di deficit neurologici. B) Author: Harald Masur. C) Edi-Ermes. Milano, 1999






Società italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica - http://www.sirn.net

PEDro - http://www.pedro.fhs.usyd.edu.au -

  • Fisioterapia

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