Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Laboratory Medicine - mod. CLINICAL PATHOLOGY

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2013-2014
Credits 2
Hours 20
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MU01-09-11 LS017C


good understanding of the concepts developed in the courses in physics, chemistry and biochemistry, physiology, immunology and Pathology

Learning outcomes

knowledge of the main diagnostic strategies of Clinical Pathology, learn to prescribe and read the main tests, how to correctly perform and interpret a blood smear normal.


§        Structure and organization of the laboratory of Clinical Pathology: clinical laboratory, general organization of the laboratory, structure and process, human resource management, security management, signs of economic management, how a laboratory, the test request and the analytical report. Organization. The Point of Care Testing.

§        Certification and Laboratory Accreditation Clinical Pathology: system quality, accreditation and certification, withdrawals area, pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical procedures.

§        Interpretation of the signal laboratory variability in the pre-analytical and analytical phase, analytical targets, reference values, clinical use of laboratory data (sensitivity, specificity, efficiency, predictive value, odds ratio, Bayes theorem , ROC curves), lab error, evidence-based approach, clinical interface.

§        Laboratory of Hematology. The hematopoietic system. The blood count. The morphological examination. Modern hematology analyzers. Other tests. Laboratory diagnosis of anemia, abnormal white blood cells. Leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes. The hemoglobinopathies.

§        Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. System of coagulation and fibrinolysis. Pathophysiology of haemostasis. Laboratory tests. Coagulation disorder and laboratory evaluation. Monitoring of anticoagulant therapy.

§        Immunohematology in transfusion medicine. Erythrocyte typing. Tests pretransfusion. Diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, antibodies, antiplatelet and anti leukocytes. The HLA system. Main typing techniques.

§        The plasma proteins and protein electrophoresis. Biomarkers of humoral immunity.
The acute phase proteins. The complement system. Cytokines and chemokines. Antibodies.

§        Biomarkers of cellular immunity. Autoimmune diseases and systemic rheumatic diseases. Immunodeficiencies. Allergic diseases.

§        Main diagnostic panels in major cardiovascular, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, hepatic-biliary, pancreatic, and kidney.

§        Tumor markers.

§        Examination of CSF.

Theoretical and practical activities: successfully perform and understand a blood smear and a normal reticulocyte count, correctly read a report of examination emocitometric automated normal, anemic or major changes in leukocyte, appoint and read correctly the main diagnostic profiles of Clinical Pathology in emergency / emergency.

Development of the examination


Recommended reading

a)     Titolo: Medicina di Laboratorio. Antonozzi-Gulletta. PICCIN. 2012

b)     Titolo: Clinical Laboratory Medicine, 2nd Edition. Kenneth D. McClatchey. Williams Wilkins. 2002.

c)      Titolo: Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. 22nd ed. Saunders. 2011.

  • Medicina e Chirurgia

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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