Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Cardiovascular and pulmonary medicine - V ANNO

Seat Medicina e Chirurgia
A.A. 2017-2018
Credits 7
Hours 70
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code MU01-09-11 LS106


Having passed the “Clinical methodology” exam.

Learning outcomes
  • Knowledge

This integrated course, with the three parts of Cardiology (Prof. A Capucci), Geriatrics (Prof. R Sarzani) and Vascular Surgery (Dr. L Carbonari), is intended to give the student solid basic principles for the knowledge of the most important cardiovascular diseases, both from a physiopathological and from a clinical and therapeutic perspective, by approaching existent guidelines through the knowledge of the results of the latest scientific publications. Cardiovascular disorders will be taught by considering the age and thus the comorbidities and fragility with all the related implications and indications related not only to the medical therapy but also to the vascular surgery. The student is thus expected, at the end of this integrated course, to orient himsef with regard to both existent priorities in the evaluation of diagnoses and therapies in the cardiovascular area and the indications to specific diagnostic tests which can be useful in some specific clinical conditions.

  • Ability to apply the knowledge

By the end of the course, the student will be expected to orient himself on the specific cardiovascular pathologies from a diagnostic and a therapeutic perspective, by knowing the principal differential diagnoses and the influence of comorbidities in the possible decision making process. The student, as part of the medical staff, will be required to know how to perform resuscitation maneuvers to be carried out in case of a cardiac arrest.

  • Soft skills

Furthermore, the student will be expected to learn skills regarding the interaction of the heart with physiopathologically and clinically interactive organs such as mainly the lungs, the kidney and the vessels, but also the heart's functional evolution with aging with its influences on the medical therapy and on the vascular surgical practices. During the classes, illustrative clinical cases selected from daily practice will be discussed.



Prof. A. Capucci

What is cardiology today (and what is its mission in the hospitals and in the territory)? Cardiovascular pathologies' epidemiology in Italy, in Europe and in the world and its evolution over the decades. Aterosclerosis: risk factors, mechanisms of evolution, complications. Acute and chronic ischaemic heart disease: from the clinical case to the differential diagnoses. Acute coronary syndromes (STEMI and NSTEMI): how to approach them from a diagnostic and therapeutic perspective (organization of the AMI net for 24 hours a day). Sudden cardiac death (causes, mechanisms, prevention and therapy on the ground). BLSD and ACLS. Sports and cardiac pathologies. Syncopes: how to correctly diagnose and treat them; role of the instrumental tests in the diagnosis and therapy. Prognostic implications. Channelopaties: genetics, clinical manifestations, principles of diagnosis or clinical suspicion. The most appropriate therapies. Valvular heart disease: diagnosis and clinical manifestations. General approach, clinical and instrumental evaluation of the severity, indications for cardiac surgery. Endocarditis. Myocarditis. Pericarditis (epidemiology, principles of diagnosis, complications, preventive and curative therapies). Cardiomyopathies (nosological framework, principles of diagnosis, differential therapies according to the clinical state). Definition, classification and clinical approach to heart failure and its differential diagnoses. Acute and chronic heart failure. Acute pulmonary edema. Cardiogenic shock. Primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary embolism (principles of diagnosis and therapy; importance of the diagnostic suspicion). Arrhythmias: classification, principles of electrocardiographic diagnosis, clinical approach, evaluation in the hospital and out of the hospital, when it's useful to intervene urgently, prognosis, therapies related to the specific clinical picture). Antiarrhythmic drugs: therapeutic and proarrhythmic effects. Pace-makers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. The wearable defibrillator: when and how. Congenital heart disease: interatrial defect, interventricular defect, Fallot's tetralogy, Eisenmenger's syndrome, Epstein disease, transposition of the great arteries, principles of clinical diagnosis and prognostic evaluations. Diagnostic techniques in cardiology (Holter, echocardiography, CMR, CT, scintigraphy etc.) and non-pharmacological therapies: arrhythmias ablation, coronary angioplasty, cardiac resynchronization therapy, the artificial heart, cardiac transplant.



Prof. R. Sarzani


DIDACTIC UNIT: Pulmonary medicine

Dott. L. Carbonari

Development of the examination
  • Methods for assessing learning outcomes:

An oral examination intended to evaluate the student's degree of learning and his/her capacity to apply the learnt information in the specific field of Cardiology by also evalutating the degree of orientation when presented with practical examples and pertinent clinical cases.

  • Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 

The specific knowledge of a disease, applied to the possible clinical reality, will be subject to assessment by focusing not only on the notionistic aspects but also and especially on the ability to clinically orient practically, without omitting the information previously learnt in clinical and instrumental semeiotics.

  • Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:

The sudent's ability to apply the theoretical information learnt to the practice of the future medical profession with rationality.

  • Criteria for conferring final mark:

The mark will be given in thirtieths, not on the basis of the notions reported but on the basis of the ability to apply them to practical examples from the real life.

Recommended reading

DIDACTIC UNIT Cardiology – Prof. A. Capucci

  • Title: Braunwald's Heart Disease, a textbook of cardiovascular medicine 10th edition; Author: Mann, Zipes, Libby, Bonow; Publisher: Elsevier.

  • Medicina e Chirurgia

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427